Latin, divisio, leuga.
Territory is a general term for a territorial block over which the lord had a particular authority or jurisdiction. The territory of Richard of Tonbridge (leuga, leuua), often translated as lowy, and the 'division' of Hugh de Montfort (divisio) in Kent, were almost certainly castleries; that of the church of Ripon (leuga) in Yorkshire was probably a franchise, or exclusive jurisdiction.
For more information on the lowy of Tonbridge, as Richard's territory is more commonly known, see W.V. Dumbreck, 'The Lowy of Tonbridge', Archaeologia Cantiana, vol. 72 (1958), pages 138-47; Jennifer C. Ward, 'The lowy of Tonbridge and the lands of the Clare family in Kent, 1066-1217', Archaeologia Cantiana, vol. 96 (1981), pages 119-31; and Richard Mortimer, 'The beginnings of the honour of Clare', Anglo-Norman Studies, vol. 3 (1981), pages 119-41; 220-21.