searching for accented words
The following words in Great Domesday contain accents. To search for them, either cut and paste the word from this list, or from the text of Great Domesday, or use the Alt key combinations given below.
Almenèches, Armentières
Bellême, Berchères, Bernières, Beuvrière, Bouillé, Bréboeuf, Bruyère
Chancé, Colombières, Courbépine, Coûture
Fécamp, Feugères, Fougères
Helléan, Hérouville
Léger, Limésy
Pîtres, Préaux
Saint-Médard, Sées, St Lô
Valéry, Vitré
To search for an accented word using the Alt key, hold down the Alt key and type the code on the numeric keypad. The relevant combinations are:
Alt + 130 é
Alt + 136 ê
Alt + 138 è
Alt + 140 î
Alt + 147 ô
Alt + 150 û