customising the maps
The map will display all places named within hits in the active search of the Searches window.
Captions for the names of points on the map may be displayed by selecting Captions On from the Window menu or its icon from the Toolbar. The scale at which captions are displayed may be set by selecting Set at Zoom from the Window menu or its icon from the Toolbar; captions are set at the zoom level at which Set at Zoom is selected. They will be displayed whenever the map is zoomed to that level, provided they are switched on.
When filtering is off, hits are displayed in red, all other places in grey.
The default map is a plain backcloth for the data. A relief map may be selected from the drop-down list on the Toolbar.
To zoom in or out of the image, use the zoom buttons on the Toolbar or the Window menu. Ctrl + I (Zoom In) and Ctrl + O (Zoom Out) produce the same effect. Alternatively, drag left or right with the right mouse button. To scroll the image, select the scroll icon on the Toolbar and drag in any direction with the left mouse button. In this scroll mode, the image can also be zoomed using the right mouse button.