berewick, or outlier
Latin, berewica.
Berewica, often rendered as berewick, is translated as outlier in the Phillimore edition.
Like Barton, to which it is related, it means 'barley farm'. As the translation indicates, berewicks were outlying dependencies of manors, physically detached but belonging to the lord of the manor.
Outliers occur in many counties but only in great numbers in circuits 5 and 6. To some extent, however, this distribution is illusory; for many southern holdings included unnamed dependencies, or had the thing without the name. The existence of dependencies may also be suspected on holdings too large for a single vill, of which there were many in southern England. Maitland suggested that as a rule of thumb any holding of more than 25 teamlands was unlikely to be a single vill.
For the early development of outliers, see Rosamond Faith, The English peasantry and the growth of lordship (1997); for their variable recording in Domesday, see H.C. Darby, Domesday England (1977); and for their record in circuit 6, see F.M. Stenton, Types of manorial structure in the northern Danelaw (1910); and Dawn M. Hadley, The northern Danelaw: its social structure, c.800-1100 (2000).