Domesday Explorer


For extensive help on using Domesday Explorer and understanding the data and coding used in it, please see:


Fix for Windows 7 and above

Following reports Domesday Explorer would not run on later versions of Windows, we have determined the problem lies with the Borland Database Engine (BDE) on which Domesday Explorer relies. The BDE itself works fine, but the installer is broken on modern Windows versions. Unfortunately, Borland stopped releasing updates to their installer.

We have created a script which will install the BDE as shipped with Domesday Explorer on modern versions of Windows (both 32 and 64 bit). It is a simple batch file that copies some files and makes some entries in the registry. Instructions are provided on the Installing the BDE page.

We have also successfully used this one from a third party developer using binary Windows installer technology. It seems to be OK, but we can't vouch for the contents.

Update to Domesday Explorer: version 1.1

An update to Domesday Explorer software, v1.1 can be downloaded from the Downloads page. It can only be installed over a prior copy of version 1.0 as the update does not include the data which has not changed since version 1.0.

Update to Domesday Explorer v1.0 help file

An update to the Domesday Explorer help file can be downloaded from the Downloads page.

Domesday Explorer is the electronic version of Great Domesday Book, the culmination of twenty years research and development (1980-2000) by the Domesday Explorer team.Originally published by Phillimore & Co (2000), Domesday Explorer is now available for purchase as a CD-ROM from The History Press, with selected Reviews here.


  • the modern Phillimore translation of Great Domesday Book, ed. by John Morris

  • high resolution images of the Latin manuscript

  • interactive mapping of all searches

  • searchable indexes

  • 500,000 embedded codes for enhanced and more refined searching

  • fully synchronised data: browsing one view updates all others

  • powerful search, navigation and management software

  • extensive HELP for software and on Domesday terminology and concepts

What you can do

  • instantly retrieve all entries matching any search

  • locate any person or place

  • find all occurrences of any word or phrase

  • retrieve the lands of any landowner or religious institution

  • map searches interactively; there is no limit to the maps which may be created

  • browse text, facsimile, indexes or wordlist, easily and speedily

  • view text, maps, facsimile, or table at any magnification.

System Requirements

Domesday Explorer will run all versions of Microsoft Windows, although note that an update to the Borland Database Engine is required for Windows 7 and above (see Updates section on this page).