Latin, in paragio.
Joint tenure of a property implied that the tenants shared both the income and the obligations of the land. This form of tenure preserved the unity of the property, and many joint tenants were, in fact, co-heirs, often brothers. The senior among them would be responsible to the Crown for the discharge of the public obligations on the estate, his co-heirs answerable to him for their share of the burden. Joint tenure implied free tenure.
For further information, see Domesday Book: Sussex, edited by John Morris (Phillimore, 1976), note to entry 10,51; Domesday Book: Dorset, edited by Frank and Caroline Thorn (Phillimore, 1983), note to entry 26,1; Domesday Book: Devon, edited by Frank and Caroline Thorn (Phillimore, 1985), note to entry 1,15.
See also as a manor, and codes for tenures.