codes for manorial statistics
Domesday manors come in many shapes and sizes, ranging from enormous holdings which incorporated a substantial proportion of a county down to tiny properties worth just a few pence. Very large manors might contain sub-manors within themselves.
Despite great variations in size, almost all manors contain a range of standard information of the kind laid out in a document sometimes known as the Articles of Inquiry of the Domesday Inquest. Broadly speaking, the main categories were ownership before and after the Conquest, assessments to taxation and military service, the arable and plough teams on the estate, the manorial population, manorial appurtenances, and valuations. Each of these categories is separately coded, making it possible to restrict searches to particular features of manors.
The codes are:
APP: statistics on manorial appurtenances: mills, pasture, meadow, etc.
LND: statistics on the arable land and plough teams
POP: statistics on the manorial peasantry
SUB: part of a manor for which separate ownership and statistics are recorded
TAX: statistics on assessment for taxation and military service
TRE: landowners and the nature of their tenures before the Conquest
TRW: landowners and the nature of their tenures after the Conquest
VAL: statistics on the manorial valuations before and after the Conquest
For the use of codes in searching the text, see properties and property searching.